17 December 2007

Extrautmaning #28 - KORKAT eller bara listigt?

Really stupid or only very clever?

We have all done our share of stupid things in life... Some of them are not that stupid when you take a closer look, while other things should only be barred under the statue of limitations. Everything may be used against you...

I decided to scrap about an event in my life. One of those things where the question is whether it was only stupid or only very clever. The fog makes it difficult to see clearly... but good damn, that was a really nice event. 602!

To understand the title, one has to know that the Swedish word for stupid, that is korkad/t, is a synonym for the Swedish word for cork. Isn't that just beautiful? ;)

Edit: I updated with some close ups. It should especially be noted that I have drawn the pattern from on the glass which is in the photo on to the the glass which is a decoration. This was difficult to capture in a picture, but you may get the idea anyway. The wings are hand drawn with my free(?) hand, or one of them that is. The other wing (and hand) is just a mirror of the first one. There are some glitter to this page with a shining title. Click on the images to see them in larger format.

The text "It takes two of us" takes in mind me and the person which I uncorked this bottle with. So for you (which most likely reads this) I say: I know few people who would come up with such a clever idea at such a stupid moment... or should we change place for clever and stupid.... ;) Relatively this is however a very innocent event. Do you remember one white which was tasted some years earlier in the same place as where this bottle was shopped? Or maybe two red, an elevator, a rug from Cleo and some ketchup? And a lot of things that we should not put letters on/for...


Anonymous said...

Ser fram emot fler bilder!!! *nyfiken* Som vanlig gillar jag din LO massor!

Just en sån där flaska har vi faktiskt stående här, har inte smakat ännu.


Anonymous said...

Så mkt fina detaljer och jag gillar vingarna ...!

ett litet ord said...

underbar Lo! gillar alla detaljer! nyfikenheten är stor...

Anonymous said...

Men guuh, kunde du göra mig mer nyfiken eller?! Fint iaf. /Tinto

maxell said...

Kada: Vad jag minns var flaskan inte så förgrymmat mycket att hänga i julgranen faktiskt. ;)

ann-louice: Tackar. Äääääntligen fick jag en "riktig" användning för vingar. Det är något som legat och klurat till sig länge och väl inne i min skalle... :)

Nyfiken? Jag säger då det... Vissa saker behöver faktiskt inte vetas. För så himlans balla är de egentligen inte. ;) Själv tycker jag att det är lite skoj att jag någon gång emellanåt tar tag i de där lite halvobskyra händelserna som jag upplevt. Egentligen är det inte såna som bara glöms bort, men med tiden blir minnet svagare och då kan det vara trevligt att ta fram en sådan här sida för att berätta en riktig rövarhistoria...