10 December 2007

Extrautmaning #23 - Det som göms i SNÖ

That what is hidden in snow...

Snow is probably mostly connected to this season of the year. There is a white land surrunding us and offering many photo ops. But I chose to use a classic expression about what's to come...

"It's early spring 2007.
The sun is shining and warming
everything that is frosen. Life!
Things are happening around
us. You spot something. You
squat to get closer.
You ponder. "How has this
cord ended up here?"

"Det är tidig vår 2007.
Solens strålar värmer allt
som varit fruset. Liv!
Det händer saker runtomkring
oss. Du ser någonting. Du hukar
dig ner för att komma närmare.
Du funderar. "Hur har den där
sladden kommit dit?
Den ska inte vara där."

The backgrond is really really blue - a nuance of blue which really shines and breaks off good against the black, the white as well as the light blue.

The snowflakes are stamps (larger and smaller) from Floweret.

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