... how it feels when a wish to do something different is first thrown in one direction where you suddenly stand there almost alone and then, the next second, is twisted into another direction when someone more or less tries to steal it from you...
I do!
I think I actually managed to involve a lot of good people on the way... and they did an increadible work even if we couldn't serve a waterproof structure from the start. It was more like we where in this all together - some more, some less. The idea is good. I know since this idea is not new to me. My first more concrete thougts in this direction came in March or April this year. But it had to mature. I have now been living with expressing and explaining it for about two months. Day and night. You could accuse me for being biased but I know what people have told me about this idea. The idea is actually pretty simple but I understand that it may appear difficult to grasp. This is due that it challenges existing "norms" about our so beloved hobby to create with paper and hopefully a free mind. The idea rests on such basic principles that everything we make have equal value and we all have something to learn from eachother.
Damn me for once in my life having a dream which I made explicit... and yes, I express feelings in this posting. I think that is in order since I am no more or less human than anyone else. I want to finish with saying that I know that I together with others who share the same basic beliefs regarding our hobby is more than capable of realizing this through other channels and perhaps also in another - better - format.